A Very Special Slope

<p><a target="_blank" href="https://www.prepswift.com/quizzes/quiz/prepswift-a-very-special-slope">A Very Special Slope Exercise</a></p><p>The line denoted by the equation $y=x$ has <span style="color:#27ae60;">A Very Special Slope</span>, especially when referring to Quadrant I. Let&#39;s first calculate the slope of this line using two points located on it: $(3, 3)$ and $(7,7)$:</p> <p>$$\frac{7-3}{7-3} = \frac{4}{4} = 1$$</p> <p>So the equation $y=x$ has a slope of $1$.</p> <p><strong><span style="color:#8e44ad;">Why is this slope special?</span></strong></p> <p>It&#39;s special because, in Quadrant I, every point <span style="color:#27ae60;">ABOVE</span> this line has the property where the $y$-coordinate is always greater than the $x$-coordinate ($y &gt;x$). And every point <span style="color:#e74c3c;">BELOW</span> this line, still in Quandrant I, has the property where the $x$-coordinate is greater than the $y$-coordinate ($x &gt; y$). Pretty freaking cool if I do say so myself.&nbsp;</p> <center><svg height="235.12501525878906" style=" width:661.2000122070312px; height:235.12501525878906px; background: #FFF; fill: none; " width="661.2000122070312" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" y="0"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"></svg> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape axis2d" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0);"><path class="real" d=" M210.41,202.52 L444.41,202.52 M233.81,9.02 L233.81,224.02"></path><path d=" M437.41,197.52 L444.41,202.52 L437.41,207.52"></path><path d=" M228.81,16.02 L233.81,9.02 L238.81,16.02"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M236.05,200.52 L435.17,23.02" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><g fill="#000" stroke="none" style="stroke: none; stroke-width: 1; fill: rgb(0, 0, 0);" transform="matrix(-0.74640592760285,0.6654909400129569,-0.6654909400129569,-0.74640592760285,437.4093627929688,21.01873779296875)"><path d=" M8.93,-4.29 L0,0 L8.93,4.29 Z"></path></g><g fill="#000" stroke="none" style="stroke: none; fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1;" transform="matrix(0.7464059276028489,-0.6654909400129582,0.6654909400129582,0.7464059276028489,233.80936279296876,202.51873779296875)"><path d=" M8.93,-4.29 L0,0 L8.93,4.29 Z"></path></g></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="233.9250030517578" style="width:660px;height:233.9250030517578px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,362.59686279296875,118.59686279296875)"><path d="M328 111L304 94C251 56 203 36 167 36C120 36 91 73 91 133C91 158 94 185 99 214C116 218 225 248 250 259C335 296 374 342 374 404C374 451 340 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1037 386 1066 412C1084 428 1115 440 1139 440C1168 440 1187 420 1187 388C1187 344 1152 297 1100 272C1072 258 1036 247 991 237ZM1643 365C1646 403 1651 435 1659 476C1648 481 1644 482 1639 482C1608 482 1577 458 1541 407C1502 351 1463 291 1447 256L1479 408C1483 425 1485 438 1485 450C1485 470 1477 482 1462 482C1441 482 1403 461 1329 408L1301 388L1308 368L1340 389C1368 407 1379 412 1388 412C1398 412 1405 403 1405 390C1405 332 1362 126 1322 -2L1332 -9C1347 -4 1363 -1 1386 4L1399 6L1425 126C1443 209 1466 262 1510 319C1544 363 1571 384 1593 384C1608 384 1618 379 1629 365ZM1656 -180C1655 -187 1655 -193 1655 -198C1655 -241 1692 -276 1737 -276C1843 -276 1953 -152 2012 33L2153 473L2142 482C2113 471 2090 465 2068 463L2033 331C2021 284 1986 211 1953 162C1918 111 1869 67 1847 67C1835 67 1826 90 1827 115L1843 322C1845 353 1847 391 1847 419C1847 464 1840 482 1823 482C1810 482 1796 475 1748 442L1666 386L1677 368L1727 398C1732 401 1743 410 1752 410C1766 410 1774 391 1774 358C1774 357 1774 351 1773 343L1756 100L1755 60C1755 18 1773 -11 1798 -11C1835 -11 1919 74 1994 187L1945 16C1894 -161 1844 -234 1774 -234C1739 -234 1712 -207 1712 -172C1712 -167 1713 -159 1714 -150L1704 -146ZM2587 -11C2643 -11 2758 62 2801 125C2842 186 2876 296 2876 371C2876 438 2853 482 2817 482C2775 482 2722 456 2670 409C2629 374 2609 348 2573 289L2597 408C2600 425 2602 440 2602 452C2602 471 2594 482 2580 482C2559 482 2521 461 2447 408L2419 388L2426 368L2458 389C2486 407 2497 412 2506 412C2516 412 2523 403 2523 389C2523 381 2521 361 2519 351L2461 8C2451 -52 2432 -143 2412 -233L2404 -270L2411 -276C2432 -269 2452 -264 2484 -259L2526 3C2547 -4 2569 -11 2587 -11ZM2554 165C2576 293 2683 424 2766 424C2792 424 2804 402 2804 356C2804 275 2764 156 2711 80C2691 51 2659 36 2618 36C2587 36 2562 43 2536 59ZM2927 152C2927 46 2972 -11 3055 -11C3110 -11 3170 15 3215 57C3277 116 3321 230 3321 331C3321 425 3271 482 3188 482C3084 482 2927 382 2927 152ZM3151 444C3212 444 3245 399 3245 315C3245 219 3214 113 3170 60C3152 39 3126 27 3095 27C3037 27 3003 72 3003 151C3003 264 3042 387 3091 427C3104 438 3127 444 3151 444ZM3387 388L3394 368L3426 389C3463 412 3466 414 3473 414C3483 414 3491 404 3491 391C3491 384 3487 361 3483 347L3417 107C3409 76 3404 49 3404 30C3404 6 3415 -9 3434 -9C3460 -9 3496 12 3594 85L3584 103L3558 86C3529 67 3506 56 3497 56C3490 56 3484 66 3484 76C3484 86 3486 95 3491 116L3568 420C3572 437 3574 448 3574 456C3574 473 3565 482 3549 482C3527 482 3490 461 3415 408ZM3581 712C3552 712 3523 679 3523 645C3523 620 3538 604 3562 604C3593 604 3617 633 3617 671C3617 695 3602 712 3581 712ZM3654 388L3661 368L3693 389C3730 412 3733 414 3740 414C3751 414 3758 404 3758 389C3758 338 3717 145 3676 2L3683 -9C3708 -2 3731 4 3753 8C3772 134 3793 199 3839 268C3893 352 3968 414 4013 414C4024 414 4030 405 4030 390C4030 372 4027 351 4019 319L3967 107C3958 70 3954 47 3954 31C3954 6 3965 -9 3984 -9C4010 -9 4046 12 4144 85L4134 103L4108 86C4079 67 4057 56 4047 56C4040 56 4034 65 4034 76C4034 81 4035 92 4036 96L4102 372C4109 401 4113 429 4113 446C4113 469 4102 482 4082 482C4040 482 3971 444 3912 389C3874 354 3846 320 3794 247L3832 408C3836 426 3838 438 3838 449C3838 470 3830 482 3815 482C3794 482 3755 460 3682 408ZM4310 390L4254 107C4253 99 4241 61 4241 31C4241 6 4252 -9 4271 -9C4306 -9 4341 11 4419 74L4450 99L4440 117L4395 86C4366 66 4346 56 4335 56C4326 56 4321 64 4321 76C4321 102 4335 183 4364 328L4377 390L4484 390L4495 440C4457 436 4423 434 4385 434C4401 528 4412 577 4430 631L4419 646C4399 634 4372 622 4341 610L4316 440C4272 419 4246 408 4228 403L4226 390Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,270.59063720703125,50.59999084472656)"><path d="M328 111L304 94C251 56 203 36 167 36C120 36 91 73 91 133C91 158 94 185 99 214C116 218 225 248 250 259C335 296 374 342 374 404C374 451 340 482 290 482C222 496 112 423 75 349C45 299 15 180 15 113C15 35 59 -11 131 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388C1187 344 1152 297 1100 272C1072 258 1036 247 991 237ZM1643 365C1646 403 1651 435 1659 476C1648 481 1644 482 1639 482C1608 482 1577 458 1541 407C1502 351 1463 291 1447 256L1479 408C1483 425 1485 438 1485 450C1485 470 1477 482 1462 482C1441 482 1403 461 1329 408L1301 388L1308 368L1340 389C1368 407 1379 412 1388 412C1398 412 1405 403 1405 390C1405 332 1362 126 1322 -2L1332 -9C1347 -4 1363 -1 1386 4L1399 6L1425 126C1443 209 1466 262 1510 319C1544 363 1571 384 1593 384C1608 384 1618 379 1629 365ZM1656 -180C1655 -187 1655 -193 1655 -198C1655 -241 1692 -276 1737 -276C1843 -276 1953 -152 2012 33L2153 473L2142 482C2113 471 2090 465 2068 463L2033 331C2021 284 1986 211 1953 162C1918 111 1869 67 1847 67C1835 67 1826 90 1827 115L1843 322C1845 353 1847 391 1847 419C1847 464 1840 482 1823 482C1810 482 1796 475 1748 442L1666 386L1677 368L1727 398C1732 401 1743 410 1752 410C1766 410 1774 391 1774 358C1774 357 1774 351 1773 343L1756 100L1755 60C1755 18 1773 -11 1798 -11C1835 -11 1919 74 1994 187L1945 16C1894 -161 1844 -234 1774 -234C1739 -234 1712 -207 1712 -172C1712 -167 1713 -159 1714 -150L1704 -146ZM2587 -11C2643 -11 2758 62 2801 125C2842 186 2876 296 2876 371C2876 438 2853 482 2817 482C2775 482 2722 456 2670 409C2629 374 2609 348 2573 289L2597 408C2600 425 2602 440 2602 452C2602 471 2594 482 2580 482C2559 482 2521 461 2447 408L2419 388L2426 368L2458 389C2486 407 2497 412 2506 412C2516 412 2523 403 2523 389C2523 381 2521 361 2519 351L2461 8C2451 -52 2432 -143 2412 -233L2404 -270L2411 -276C2432 -269 2452 -264 2484 -259L2526 3C2547 -4 2569 -11 2587 -11ZM2554 165C2576 293 2683 424 2766 424C2792 424 2804 402 2804 356C2804 275 2764 156 2711 80C2691 51 2659 36 2618 36C2587 36 2562 43 2536 59ZM2927 152C2927 46 2972 -11 3055 -11C3110 -11 3170 15 3215 57C3277 116 3321 230 3321 331C3321 425 3271 482 3188 482C3084 482 2927 382 2927 152ZM3151 444C3212 444 3245 399 3245 315C3245 219 3214 113 3170 60C3152 39 3126 27 3095 27C3037 27 3003 72 3003 151C3003 264 3042 387 3091 427C3104 438 3127 444 3151 444ZM3387 388L3394 368L3426 389C3463 412 3466 414 3473 414C3483 414 3491 404 3491 391C3491 384 3487 361 3483 347L3417 107C3409 76 3404 49 3404 30C3404 6 3415 -9 3434 -9C3460 -9 3496 12 3594 85L3584 103L3558 86C3529 67 3506 56 3497 56C3490 56 3484 66 3484 76C3484 86 3486 95 3491 116L3568 420C3572 437 3574 448 3574 456C3574 473 3565 482 3549 482C3527 482 3490 461 3415 408ZM3581 712C3552 712 3523 679 3523 645C3523 620 3538 604 3562 604C3593 604 3617 633 3617 671C3617 695 3602 712 3581 712ZM3654 388L3661 368L3693 389C3730 412 3733 414 3740 414C3751 414 3758 404 3758 389C3758 338 3717 145 3676 2L3683 -9C3708 -2 3731 4 3753 8C3772 134 3793 199 3839 268C3893 352 3968 414 4013 414C4024 414 4030 405 4030 390C4030 372 4027 351 4019 319L3967 107C3958 70 3954 47 3954 31C3954 6 3965 -9 3984 -9C4010 -9 4046 12 4144 85L4134 103L4108 86C4079 67 4057 56 4047 56C4040 56 4034 65 4034 76C4034 81 4035 92 4036 96L4102 372C4109 401 4113 429 4113 446C4113 469 4102 482 4082 482C4040 482 3971 444 3912 389C3874 354 3846 320 3794 247L3832 408C3836 426 3838 438 3838 449C3838 470 3830 482 3815 482C3794 482 3755 460 3682 408ZM4310 390L4254 107C4253 99 4241 61 4241 31C4241 6 4252 -9 4271 -9C4306 -9 4341 11 4419 74L4450 99L4440 117L4395 86C4366 66 4346 56 4335 56C4326 56 4321 64 4321 76C4321 102 4335 183 4364 328L4377 390L4484 390L4495 440C4457 436 4423 434 4385 434C4401 528 4412 577 4430 631L4419 646C4399 634 4372 622 4341 610L4316 440C4272 419 4246 408 4228 403L4226 390Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,377.59686279296875,146.60000610351562)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,391.1812744140625,146.60000610351562)"><path d="M65 0L604 252L604 273L65 528L65 469L503 264L65 59Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,407.643798828125,146.60000610351562)"><path d="M-7 -180C-8 -187 -8 -193 -8 -198C-8 -241 29 -276 74 -276C180 -276 290 -152 349 33L490 473L479 482C450 471 427 465 405 463L370 331C358 284 323 211 290 162C255 111 206 67 184 67C172 67 163 90 164 115L180 322C182 353 184 391 184 419C184 464 177 482 160 482C147 482 133 475 85 442L3 386L14 368L64 398C69 401 80 410 89 410C103 410 111 391 111 358C111 357 111 351 110 343L93 100L92 60C92 18 110 -11 135 -11C172 -11 256 74 331 187L282 16C231 -161 181 -234 111 -234C76 -234 49 -207 49 -172C49 -167 50 -159 51 -150L41 -146Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,284.59686279296875,75.59375)"><path d="M-7 -180C-8 -187 -8 -193 -8 -198C-8 -241 29 -276 74 -276C180 -276 290 -152 349 33L490 473L479 482C450 471 427 465 405 463L370 331C358 284 323 211 290 162C255 111 206 67 184 67C172 67 163 90 164 115L180 322C182 353 184 391 184 419C184 464 177 482 160 482C147 482 133 475 85 442L3 386L14 368L64 398C69 401 80 410 89 410C103 410 111 391 111 358C111 357 111 351 110 343L93 100L92 60C92 18 110 -11 135 -11C172 -11 256 74 331 187L282 16C231 -161 181 -234 111 -234C76 -234 49 -207 49 -172C49 -167 50 -159 51 -150L41 -146Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,298.1812744140625,75.59375)"><path d="M65 0L604 252L604 273L65 528L65 469L503 264L65 59Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,314.64373779296875,75.59375)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,439.99688720703125,38.609375)"><path d="M-7 -180C-8 -187 -8 -193 -8 -198C-8 -241 29 -276 74 -276C180 -276 290 -152 349 33L490 473L479 482C450 471 427 465 405 463L370 331C358 284 323 211 290 162C255 111 206 67 184 67C172 67 163 90 164 115L180 322C182 353 184 391 184 419C184 464 177 482 160 482C147 482 133 475 85 442L3 386L14 368L64 398C69 401 80 410 89 410C103 410 111 391 111 358C111 357 111 351 110 343L93 100L92 60C92 18 110 -11 135 -11C172 -11 256 74 331 187L282 16C231 -161 181 -234 111 -234C76 -234 49 -207 49 -172C49 -167 50 -159 51 -150L41 -146Z" fill="rgb(144,19,254)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(144,19,254)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,453.581298828125,38.609375)"><path d="M604 347L604 406L65 406L65 347ZM604 134L604 193L65 193L65 134Z" fill="rgb(144,19,254)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(144,19,254)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,470.04376220703125,38.609375)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(144,19,254)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(144,19,254)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center>