Chord Problems
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Chord Problems Exercise</a></p><p>We briefly touched on <strong><span style="color:#8e44ad;">Chords </span></strong>in the Circles and Vocabulary mountain entry. To recap...</p>
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">A chord is simply a line that connects two points of a circle's circumference. </p>
<p>That's it. </p>
<center><svg height="163.77500915527344" style="
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" width="661.6000366210938" x="0" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns=""><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M266,81.3 C266,43.36 296.76,12.6 334.7,12.6 C372.64,12.6 403.4,43.36 403.4,81.3 C403.4,119.24 372.64,150 334.7,150 C296.76,150 266,119.24 266,81.3 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M308.2,144.6 L401.2,99.6" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(74, 144, 226); stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M332.18,81.3 C332.18,79.91 333.31,78.78 334.7,78.78 C336.09,78.78 337.22,79.91 337.22,81.3 C337.22,82.69 336.09,83.82 334.7,83.82 C333.31,83.82 332.18,82.69 332.18,81.3 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="162.1750030517578" style="width:660px;height:162.1750030517578px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,388.8000183105469,152.40000915527344)"><path d="M103 664L150 662C174 661 185 653 185 636C185 629 179 576 176 559L104 125C89 36 86 31 46 28L10 25L7 -3L39 -3L133 0L227 -3L259 -3L262 25L210 28C184 30 174 37 174 57C174 63 175 74 176 78L265 613C272 652 277 657 316 661L351 664L354 692L248 689C231 689 213 689 170 690L106 692ZM436 470C493 543 531 610 565 696L552 709C516 697 506 694 455 679C449 599 425 533 377 456L392 446ZM1339 103L1313 86C1284 67 1262 56 1252 56C1245 56 1239 65 1239 76C1239 86 1241 95 1246 116L1321 413C1325 430 1328 446 1328 454C1328 471 1318 482 1302 482C1273 482 1235 464 1174 421C1111 376 1076 341 1027 272L1057 409C1061 429 1064 444 1064 451C1064 470 1054 482 1038 482C1008 482 962 460 907 418C863 384 843 363 778 275L811 408C815 424 817 439 817 451C817 470 808 482 794 482C773 482 735 461 661 408L633 388L640 368C677 391 712 414 719 414C730 414 737 404 737 389C737 338 696 145 655 2L658 -9L726 6L748 108C772 219 799 278 854 338C896 384 941 414 969 414C976 414 980 406 980 393C980 358 958 244 917 69L901 2L906 -9L975 6L996 113C1012 194 1046 269 1090 318C1145 379 1195 414 1227 414C1235 414 1240 405 1240 389C1240 365 1237 351 1215 264C1175 105 1159 84 1159 31C1159 6 1170 -9 1189 -9C1215 -9 1251 12 1349 85ZM1906 204L1877 77C1873 60 1871 42 1871 26C1871 4 1880 -9 1895 -9C1918 -9 1959 17 2041 85L2034 106C2010 86 1981 59 1959 59C1950 59 1944 68 1944 82C1944 87 1944 90 1945 93L2037 472L2027 481L1994 463C1953 478 1936 482 1909 482C1881 482 1861 477 1834 464C1772 433 1739 403 1714 354C1670 265 1639 145 1639 67C1639 23 1654 -11 1673 -11C1710 -11 1790 41 1906 204ZM1954 414C1932 305 1913 253 1879 201C1822 117 1761 59 1729 59C1717 59 1711 72 1711 99C1711 163 1739 280 1774 360C1798 415 1821 433 1869 433C1892 433 1910 429 1954 414ZM2669 330L2692 330C2700 395 2707 432 2716 458C2692 473 2657 482 2620 482C2575 483 2502 463 2445 400C2391 352 2352 241 2352 136C2352 40 2394 -11 2474 -11C2528 -11 2576 9 2631 54L2681 95L2673 115L2658 105C2586 57 2548 40 2513 40C2457 40 2428 80 2428 159C2428 267 2463 371 2512 409C2533 425 2557 433 2588 433C2633 433 2669 414 2669 390ZM2969 722L2957 733C2912 711 2871 697 2797 691L2793 670L2841 670C2859 670 2875 667 2875 647C2875 641 2875 632 2873 622L2831 388C2811 272 2769 80 2743 2L2750 -9L2819 7C2827 64 2841 164 2881 236C2926 317 3029 414 3071 414C3082 414 3093 407 3093 393C3093 375 3088 342 3078 303L3027 107C3021 85 3014 55 3014 31C3014 6 3024 -9 3045 -9C3077 -9 3145 41 3204 85L3194 103L3168 86C3145 71 3119 56 3107 56C3100 56 3094 65 3094 76C3094 88 3097 101 3101 116L3165 372C3171 398 3176 423 3176 447C3176 464 3170 482 3144 482C3109 482 3032 437 2964 374C2931 343 2905 308 2877 273L2873 275ZM3249 152C3249 46 3294 -11 3377 -11C3432 -11 3492 15 3537 57C3599 116 3643 230 3643 331C3643 425 3593 482 3510 482C3406 482 3249 382 3249 152ZM3473 444C3534 444 3567 399 3567 315C3567 219 3536 113 3492 60C3474 39 3448 27 3417 27C3359 27 3325 72 3325 151C3325 264 3364 387 3413 427C3426 438 3449 444 3473 444ZM4043 365C4046 403 4051 435 4059 476C4048 481 4044 482 4039 482C4008 482 3977 458 3941 407C3902 351 3863 291 3847 256L3879 408C3883 425 3885 438 3885 450C3885 470 3877 482 3862 482C3841 482 3803 461 3729 408L3701 388L3708 368L3740 389C3768 407 3779 412 3788 412C3798 412 3805 403 3805 390C3805 332 3762 126 3722 -2L3732 -9C3747 -4 3763 -1 3786 4L3799 6L3825 126C3843 209 3866 262 3910 319C3944 363 3971 384 3993 384C4008 384 4018 379 4029 365ZM4546 722L4534 733C4482 707 4446 698 4374 691L4370 670L4418 670C4442 670 4452 663 4452 646C4452 638 4451 629 4450 622L4422 468C4392 477 4365 482 4340 482C4271 482 4177 410 4131 323C4100 265 4080 170 4080 86C4080 21 4095 -11 4124 -11C4151 -11 4188 6 4222 33C4276 77 4309 116 4376 217L4353 126C4342 82 4337 50 4337 24C4337 3 4346 -9 4363 -9C4380 -9 4404 3 4438 28L4519 88L4509 107L4465 76C4451 66 4435 59 4426 59C4418 59 4412 68 4412 82C4412 90 4413 99 4420 128ZM4177 59C4161 59 4152 73 4152 98C4152 224 4198 380 4247 418C4260 428 4279 433 4306 433C4350 433 4379 427 4412 410L4400 351C4363 171 4222 59 4177 59Z" fill="rgb(74,144,226)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(74,144,226)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center>
<p><strong><span style="color:#27ae60;">A Couple of Notes</span></strong></p>
<li>It is spelled "chord," not "cord."</li>
<li>A circle's diameter IS a chord. In fact, it is the longest chord possible.</li>
<li>A chord is always shorter in length than its corresponding arc (see below).</li>
<center><svg height="182.5749969482422" style="
background: #FFF;
fill: none;
" width="661.6000366210938" x="0" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns=""><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M265,73.3 C265,35.36 295.76,4.6 333.7,4.6 C371.64,4.6 402.4,35.36 402.4,73.3 C402.4,111.24 371.64,142 333.7,142 C295.76,142 265,111.24 265,73.3 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M372.2,129.6 L381.2,23.6" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(74, 144, 226); stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M331.18,73.3 C331.18,71.91 332.31,70.78 333.7,70.78 C335.09,70.78 336.22,71.91 336.22,73.3 C336.22,74.69 335.09,75.82 333.7,75.82 C332.31,75.82 331.18,74.69 331.18,73.3 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M381.33,23.79 C394.32,36.29 402.4,53.85 402.4,73.3 C402.4,97.06 390.34,118 372.01,130.33 L333.7,73.3 Z" style="stroke-width: 2; stroke: none; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M381.33,23.79 C394.32,36.29 402.4,53.85 402.4,73.3 C402.4,97.06 390.34,118 372.01,130.33" style="stroke-width: 2; stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="180.97500610351562" style="width:660px;height:180.97500610351562px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,280.8000183105469,170.20000305175782)"><path d="M271 204L242 77C238 60 236 42 236 26C236 4 245 -9 260 -9C283 -9 324 17 406 85L399 106C375 86 346 59 324 59C315 59 309 68 309 82C309 87 309 90 310 93L402 472L392 481L359 463C318 478 301 482 274 482C246 482 226 477 199 464C137 433 104 403 79 354C35 265 4 145 4 67C4 23 19 -11 38 -11C75 -11 155 41 271 204ZM319 414C297 305 278 253 244 201C187 117 126 59 94 59C82 59 76 72 76 99C76 163 104 280 139 360C163 415 186 433 234 433C257 433 275 429 319 414ZM811 365C814 403 819 435 827 476C816 481 812 482 807 482C776 482 745 458 709 407C670 351 631 291 615 256L647 408C651 425 653 438 653 450C653 470 645 482 630 482C609 482 571 461 497 408L469 388L476 368L508 389C536 407 547 412 556 412C566 412 573 403 573 390C573 332 530 126 490 -2L500 -9C515 -4 531 -1 554 4L567 6L593 126C611 209 634 262 678 319C712 363 739 384 761 384C776 384 786 379 797 365ZM1173 330L1196 330C1204 395 1211 432 1220 458C1196 473 1161 482 1124 482C1079 483 1006 463 949 400C895 352 856 241 856 136C856 40 898 -11 978 -11C1032 -11 1080 9 1135 54L1185 95L1177 115L1162 105C1090 57 1052 40 1017 40C961 40 932 80 932 159C932 267 967 371 1016 409C1037 425 1061 433 1092 433C1137 433 1173 414 1173 390Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,306.0375061035156,170.20000305175782)"><path d="" fill="rgb(74,144,226)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(74,144,226)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,317.2375183105469,170.20000305175782)"><path d="M65 0L604 252L604 273L65 528L65 469L503 264L65 59Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,336.9875183105469,170.20000305175782)"><path d="M591 330L614 330C622 395 629 432 638 458C614 473 579 482 542 482C497 483 424 463 367 400C313 352 274 241 274 136C274 40 316 -11 396 -11C450 -11 498 9 553 54L603 95L595 115L580 105C508 57 470 40 435 40C379 40 350 80 350 159C350 267 385 371 434 409C455 425 479 433 510 433C555 433 591 414 591 390ZM891 722L879 733C834 711 793 697 719 691L715 670L763 670C781 670 797 667 797 647C797 641 797 632 795 622L753 388C733 272 691 80 665 2L672 -9L741 7C749 64 763 164 803 236C848 317 951 414 993 414C1004 414 1015 407 1015 393C1015 375 1010 342 1000 303L949 107C943 85 936 55 936 31C936 6 946 -9 967 -9C999 -9 1067 41 1126 85L1116 103L1090 86C1067 71 1041 56 1029 56C1022 56 1016 65 1016 76C1016 88 1019 101 1023 116L1087 372C1093 398 1098 423 1098 447C1098 464 1092 482 1066 482C1031 482 954 437 886 374C853 343 827 308 799 273L795 275ZM1171 152C1171 46 1216 -11 1299 -11C1354 -11 1414 15 1459 57C1521 116 1565 230 1565 331C1565 425 1515 482 1432 482C1328 482 1171 382 1171 152ZM1395 444C1456 444 1489 399 1489 315C1489 219 1458 113 1414 60C1396 39 1370 27 1339 27C1281 27 1247 72 1247 151C1247 264 1286 387 1335 427C1348 438 1371 444 1395 444ZM1965 365C1968 403 1973 435 1981 476C1970 481 1966 482 1961 482C1930 482 1899 458 1863 407C1824 351 1785 291 1769 256L1801 408C1805 425 1807 438 1807 450C1807 470 1799 482 1784 482C1763 482 1725 461 1651 408L1623 388L1630 368L1662 389C1690 407 1701 412 1710 412C1720 412 1727 403 1727 390C1727 332 1684 126 1644 -2L1654 -9C1669 -4 1685 -1 1708 4L1721 6L1747 126C1765 209 1788 262 1832 319C1866 363 1893 384 1915 384C1930 384 1940 379 1951 365ZM2468 722L2456 733C2404 707 2368 698 2296 691L2292 670L2340 670C2364 670 2374 663 2374 646C2374 638 2373 629 2372 622L2344 468C2314 477 2287 482 2262 482C2193 482 2099 410 2053 323C2022 265 2002 170 2002 86C2002 21 2017 -11 2046 -11C2073 -11 2110 6 2144 33C2198 77 2231 116 2298 217L2275 126C2264 82 2259 50 2259 24C2259 3 2268 -9 2285 -9C2302 -9 2326 3 2360 28L2441 88L2431 107L2387 76C2373 66 2357 59 2348 59C2340 59 2334 68 2334 82C2334 90 2335 99 2342 128ZM2099 59C2083 59 2074 73 2074 98C2074 224 2120 380 2169 418C2182 428 2201 433 2228 433C2272 433 2301 427 2334 410L2322 351C2285 171 2144 59 2099 59Z" fill="rgb(74,144,226)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(74,144,226)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center>