Degrees of a Triangle
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Degrees of a Triangle Exercise</a></p><p>The <strong><span style="color:#8e44ad;">Sum of Degrees in a Triangle</span></strong> equals $180°$ (see below):</p>
<center><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0" y="0" width="661.8285522460938" height="214.08570861816406" style="
background: #FFF;
fill: none;
<svg xmlns="" class="role-diagram-draw-area"><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M331.7,15.26 L436.6,152 L226,152 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"/></g><g/></g><g/><g/><g/></svg>
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="660" height="212.25714111328125" style="width:660px;height:212.25714111328125px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;"><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,241.91424560546875,147.8571533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)" d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1ZM698 689C616 689 549 622 549 539C549 456 616 389 699 389C780 389 849 457 849 537C849 621 782 689 698 689ZM698 649C759 649 809 599 809 537C809 479 759 429 699 429C638 429 589 478 589 539C589 600 638 649 698 649Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,323.91424560546875,47.857138061523436)"><path transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)" d="M-7 -180C-8 -187 -8 -193 -8 -198C-8 -241 29 -276 74 -276C180 -276 290 -152 349 33L490 473L479 482C450 471 427 465 405 463L370 331C358 284 323 211 290 162C255 111 206 67 184 67C172 67 163 90 164 115L180 322C182 353 184 391 184 419C184 464 177 482 160 482C147 482 133 475 85 442L3 386L14 368L64 398C69 401 80 410 89 410C103 410 111 391 111 358C111 357 111 351 110 343L93 100L92 60C92 18 110 -11 135 -11C172 -11 256 74 331 187L282 16C231 -161 181 -234 111 -234C76 -234 49 -207 49 -172C49 -167 50 -159 51 -150L41 -146ZM698 689C616 689 549 622 549 539C549 456 616 389 699 389C780 389 849 457 849 537C849 621 782 689 698 689ZM698 649C759 649 809 599 809 537C809 479 759 429 699 429C638 429 589 478 589 539C589 600 638 649 698 649Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,400.91424560546875,146.8571533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)" d="M322 -11C334 -11 343 -9 372 -1C383 61 391 95 402 142L380 142L358 82C352 64 340 57 319 57C307 57 291 59 270 64L252 68C219 75 185 80 166 80C134 80 107 74 71 59L410 441L416 473L407 482L384 459C374 449 364 445 350 445C316 445 264 453 216 466L198 471C170 478 150 482 136 482C119 482 99 479 75 472L43 350L64 350L94 408C111 412 120 413 133 413C174 413 206 398 259 398C295 398 319 404 352 421L-1 21L8 -6C37 17 64 26 99 26C162 26 253 -11 322 -11ZM642 689C560 689 493 622 493 539C493 456 560 389 643 389C724 389 793 457 793 537C793 621 726 689 642 689ZM642 649C703 649 753 599 753 537C753 479 703 429 643 429C582 429 533 478 533 539C533 600 582 649 642 649Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,254.91424560546875,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,272.028564453125,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M604 241L604 300L364 300L364 538L305 538L305 300L65 300L65 241L305 241L305 0L364 0L364 241Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,293.278564453125,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M-7 -180C-8 -187 -8 -193 -8 -198C-8 -241 29 -276 74 -276C180 -276 290 -152 349 33L490 473L479 482C450 471 427 465 405 463L370 331C358 284 323 211 290 162C255 111 206 67 184 67C172 67 163 90 164 115L180 322C182 353 184 391 184 419C184 464 177 482 160 482C147 482 133 475 85 442L3 386L14 368L64 398C69 401 80 410 89 410C103 410 111 391 111 358C111 357 111 351 110 343L93 100L92 60C92 18 110 -11 135 -11C172 -11 256 74 331 187L282 16C231 -161 181 -234 111 -234C76 -234 49 -207 49 -172C49 -167 50 -159 51 -150L41 -146Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,310.392822265625,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M604 241L604 300L364 300L364 538L305 538L305 300L65 300L65 241L305 241L305 0L364 0L364 241Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,331.642822265625,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M322 -11C334 -11 343 -9 372 -1C383 61 391 95 402 142L380 142L358 82C352 64 340 57 319 57C307 57 291 59 270 64L252 68C219 75 185 80 166 80C134 80 107 74 71 59L410 441L416 473L407 482L384 459C374 449 364 445 350 445C316 445 264 453 216 466L198 471C170 478 150 482 136 482C119 482 99 479 75 472L43 350L64 350L94 408C111 412 120 413 133 413C174 413 206 398 259 398C295 398 319 404 352 421L-1 21L8 -6C37 17 64 26 99 26C162 26 253 -11 322 -11Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,349.835693359375,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M604 347L604 406L65 406L65 347ZM604 134L604 193L65 193L65 134Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,373.53570556640625,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M418 -3L418 27L366 30C311 33 301 44 301 96L301 700L60 598L67 548L217 614L217 96C217 44 206 33 152 30L96 27L96 -3C250 0 250 0 261 0C292 0 402 -3 418 -3ZM667 345C626 326 609 315 587 294C549 256 529 211 529 159C529 56 612 -20 725 -20C855 -20 963 82 963 206C963 286 926 329 812 381C903 443 935 485 935 545C935 631 864 689 758 689C639 689 552 613 552 508C552 440 579 402 667 345ZM783 295C846 267 884 218 884 164C884 80 821 14 740 14C655 14 600 74 600 167C600 240 629 286 703 331ZM722 423C659 454 627 494 627 544C627 610 675 655 746 655C819 655 867 607 867 534C867 477 842 438 777 396ZM1261 689C1106 689 1027 566 1027 324C1027 207 1048 106 1083 57C1118 8 1174 -20 1236 -20C1387 -20 1463 110 1463 366C1463 585 1398 689 1261 689ZM1243 654C1340 654 1379 556 1379 316C1379 103 1341 15 1249 15C1152 15 1111 116 1111 360C1111 571 1148 654 1243 654Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g></g></g></svg>
<p><strong><span style="color:#e74c3c;">Wait...ALWAYS $180$?!</span></strong></p>
<p>Yes. Even in the case of ugly triangles (see below):</p>
<center><svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0" y="0" width="661.8285522460938" height="214.08570861816406" style="
background: #FFF;
fill: none;
<svg xmlns="" class="role-diagram-draw-area"><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M58.99,42.69 L599.93,124.44 L395.23,145.53 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"/></g><g/></g><g/><g/><g/></svg>
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="660" height="212.25714111328125" style="width:660px;height:212.25714111328125px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;"><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,214.91424560546875,85.85713806152344)"><path transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)" d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1ZM698 689C616 689 549 622 549 539C549 456 616 389 699 389C780 389 849 457 849 537C849 621 782 689 698 689ZM698 649C759 649 809 599 809 537C809 479 759 429 699 429C638 429 589 478 589 539C589 600 638 649 698 649Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,392.91424560546875,132.8571533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)" d="M-7 -180C-8 -187 -8 -193 -8 -198C-8 -241 29 -276 74 -276C180 -276 290 -152 349 33L490 473L479 482C450 471 427 465 405 463L370 331C358 284 323 211 290 162C255 111 206 67 184 67C172 67 163 90 164 115L180 322C182 353 184 391 184 419C184 464 177 482 160 482C147 482 133 475 85 442L3 386L14 368L64 398C69 401 80 410 89 410C103 410 111 391 111 358C111 357 111 351 110 343L93 100L92 60C92 18 110 -11 135 -11C172 -11 256 74 331 187L282 16C231 -161 181 -234 111 -234C76 -234 49 -207 49 -172C49 -167 50 -159 51 -150L41 -146ZM698 689C616 689 549 622 549 539C549 456 616 389 699 389C780 389 849 457 849 537C849 621 782 689 698 689ZM698 649C759 649 809 599 809 537C809 479 759 429 699 429C638 429 589 478 589 539C589 600 638 649 698 649Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,503.914306640625,127.8571533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)" d="M322 -11C334 -11 343 -9 372 -1C383 61 391 95 402 142L380 142L358 82C352 64 340 57 319 57C307 57 291 59 270 64L252 68C219 75 185 80 166 80C134 80 107 74 71 59L410 441L416 473L407 482L384 459C374 449 364 445 350 445C316 445 264 453 216 466L198 471C170 478 150 482 136 482C119 482 99 479 75 472L43 350L64 350L94 408C111 412 120 413 133 413C174 413 206 398 259 398C295 398 319 404 352 421L-1 21L8 -6C37 17 64 26 99 26C162 26 253 -11 322 -11ZM642 689C560 689 493 622 493 539C493 456 560 389 643 389C724 389 793 457 793 537C793 621 726 689 642 689ZM642 649C703 649 753 599 753 537C753 479 703 429 643 429C582 429 533 478 533 539C533 600 582 649 642 649Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,254.91424560546875,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,272.028564453125,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M604 241L604 300L364 300L364 538L305 538L305 300L65 300L65 241L305 241L305 0L364 0L364 241Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,293.278564453125,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M-7 -180C-8 -187 -8 -193 -8 -198C-8 -241 29 -276 74 -276C180 -276 290 -152 349 33L490 473L479 482C450 471 427 465 405 463L370 331C358 284 323 211 290 162C255 111 206 67 184 67C172 67 163 90 164 115L180 322C182 353 184 391 184 419C184 464 177 482 160 482C147 482 133 475 85 442L3 386L14 368L64 398C69 401 80 410 89 410C103 410 111 391 111 358C111 357 111 351 110 343L93 100L92 60C92 18 110 -11 135 -11C172 -11 256 74 331 187L282 16C231 -161 181 -234 111 -234C76 -234 49 -207 49 -172C49 -167 50 -159 51 -150L41 -146Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,310.392822265625,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M604 241L604 300L364 300L364 538L305 538L305 300L65 300L65 241L305 241L305 0L364 0L364 241Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,331.642822265625,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M322 -11C334 -11 343 -9 372 -1C383 61 391 95 402 142L380 142L358 82C352 64 340 57 319 57C307 57 291 59 270 64L252 68C219 75 185 80 166 80C134 80 107 74 71 59L410 441L416 473L407 482L384 459C374 449 364 445 350 445C316 445 264 453 216 466L198 471C170 478 150 482 136 482C119 482 99 479 75 472L43 350L64 350L94 408C111 412 120 413 133 413C174 413 206 398 259 398C295 398 319 404 352 421L-1 21L8 -6C37 17 64 26 99 26C162 26 253 -11 322 -11Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,349.835693359375,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M604 347L604 406L65 406L65 347ZM604 134L604 193L65 193L65 134Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,373.53570556640625,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M31 148C26 97 20 62 9 16C47 -2 81 -11 116 -11C165 -11 211 7 262 47C313 87 334 124 334 174C334 228 302 257 228 271L185 279C125 290 106 307 106 348C106 401 151 442 208 442C249 442 287 424 303 397L303 342L326 342C330 377 334 404 345 455C306 474 278 482 245 482C193 482 132 452 84 404C58 377 47 352 47 316C47 260 78 228 144 215L207 203C251 195 267 177 267 138C267 73 221 29 150 29C115 29 84 40 56 64L56 148ZM513 390L457 107C456 99 444 61 444 31C444 6 455 -9 474 -9C509 -9 544 11 622 74L653 99L643 117L598 86C569 66 549 56 538 56C529 56 524 64 524 76C524 102 538 183 567 328L580 390L687 390L698 440C660 436 626 434 588 434C604 528 615 577 633 631L622 646C602 634 575 622 544 610L519 440C475 419 449 408 431 403L429 390ZM754 388L761 368L793 389C830 412 833 414 840 414C850 414 858 404 858 391C858 384 854 361 850 347L784 107C776 76 771 49 771 30C771 6 782 -9 801 -9C827 -9 863 12 961 85L951 103L925 86C896 67 873 56 864 56C857 56 851 66 851 76C851 86 853 95 858 116L935 420C939 437 941 448 941 456C941 473 932 482 916 482C894 482 857 461 782 408ZM948 712C919 712 890 679 890 645C890 620 905 604 929 604C960 604 984 633 984 671C984 695 969 712 948 712ZM1248 722L1236 733C1184 707 1148 698 1076 691L1072 670L1120 670C1144 670 1154 663 1154 648C1154 645 1154 640 1151 622C1140 567 1067 182 1052 132C1039 82 1033 52 1033 31C1033 6 1044 -9 1063 -9C1089 -9 1125 12 1223 85L1213 103L1187 86C1158 67 1136 56 1126 56C1119 56 1113 66 1113 76C1113 82 1114 89 1117 104ZM1525 722L1513 733C1461 707 1425 698 1353 691L1349 670L1397 670C1421 670 1431 663 1431 648C1431 645 1431 640 1428 622C1417 567 1344 182 1329 132C1316 82 1310 52 1310 31C1310 6 1321 -9 1340 -9C1366 -9 1402 12 1500 85L1490 103L1464 86C1435 67 1413 56 1403 56C1396 56 1390 66 1390 76C1390 82 1391 89 1394 104Z" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,411.50714111328125,190.9371533203125)"><path transform="matrix(0.024480000000000002,0,0,-0.024480000000000002,0,0)" d="M667 -3L667 27L615 30C560 33 550 44 550 96L550 700L309 598L316 548L466 614L466 96C466 44 455 33 401 30L345 27L345 -3C499 0 499 0 510 0C541 0 651 -3 667 -3ZM916 345C875 326 858 315 836 294C798 256 778 211 778 159C778 56 861 -20 974 -20C1104 -20 1212 82 1212 206C1212 286 1175 329 1061 381C1152 443 1184 485 1184 545C1184 631 1113 689 1007 689C888 689 801 613 801 508C801 440 828 402 916 345ZM1032 295C1095 267 1133 218 1133 164C1133 80 1070 14 989 14C904 14 849 74 849 167C849 240 878 286 952 331ZM971 423C908 454 876 494 876 544C876 610 924 655 995 655C1068 655 1116 607 1116 534C1116 477 1091 438 1026 396ZM1510 689C1355 689 1276 566 1276 324C1276 207 1297 106 1332 57C1367 8 1423 -20 1485 -20C1636 -20 1712 110 1712 366C1712 585 1647 689 1510 689ZM1492 654C1589 654 1628 556 1628 316C1628 103 1590 15 1498 15C1401 15 1360 116 1360 360C1360 571 1397 654 1492 654Z" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1"></path></g></g></g></g></svg>