<li>Insects, especially cockroaches, were something she absolutely <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">abhorred</span></strong>.</li>
<li>During the celebration, their laughter was <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">boisterous </span></strong>and filled the room with joy.</li>
<li>He held the door open in a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">chivalrous </span></strong>manner, ensuring everyone entered safely.</li>
<li>The waiter's <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">churlish </span></strong>attitude made the dining experience rather unpleasant.</li>
<li>To avoid detection, the spies conducted their operation in a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">clandestine </span></strong>manner.</li>
<li>Success made the team <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">complacent</span></strong>, and they didn't train as hard as they should have.</li>
<li>The narrow staircase made moving the <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">cumbersome </span></strong>piano quite a challenge.</li>
<li>After a long battle with the <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">debilitating </span></strong>disease, she finally began to regain her strength.</li>
<li>The chess player took his time, making each move in a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">deliberate </span></strong>manner.
<li>The jury retreated to the room to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">deliberate </span></strong>carefully on the evidence before reaching a verdict.</li>
<li>His <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">droll </span></strong>comments often brought unexpected laughter to serious situations.</li>
<li>Wearing a bright purple suit, the <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">eccentric </span></strong>artist stood out in the crowd.</li>
<li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">fractious </span></strong>horse resisted the rider's attempts to guide it through the course.</li>
<li>The mountain stream was so <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">limpid </span></strong>that one could see the pebbles on the riverbed.</li>
<li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">mawkish </span></strong>poem was filled with clichéd expressions of love and devotion.</li>
<li>As a sign of respect, the diplomat performed an <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">obeisance </span></strong>before the queen.</li>
<li>The celebrity arrived at the event in an <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">ostentatious </span></strong>gold-plated car.</li>
<li>While not a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">panacea</span></strong>, the new medicine greatly improved the patient's quality of life.</li>
<li>She gave the documents a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">perfunctory </span></strong>glance, not noticing the critical details.</li>
<li>The treacherous hike through the wilderness was a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">perilous </span></strong>endeavor.</li>
<li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">pervasive </span></strong>smell of lilacs was noticeable throughout the entire garden.</li>
<li>The high cost of the program would <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">preclude </span></strong>many from participating.</li>
<li>He had a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">predilection </span></strong>for spicy foods, always adding hot sauce to his meals.</li>
<li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">rapacious </span></strong>landlord exploited tenants by charging exorbitant rents.</li>
<li>She <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">relished </span></strong>the opportunity to travel and experience new cultures.</li>
<li>The author's <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">satirical </span></strong>wit was evident in the cleverly crafted dialogue.</li>
<li>The so-called expert's credentials were nothing but a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">sham</span></strong>, fooling many people.</li>
<li>To avoid the muddy puddles, she <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">skirted </span></strong>the edge of the sidewalk.</li>
<li>After a long day at work, he felt <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">sluggish </span></strong>and ready for bed.</li>
<li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">spartan </span></strong>accommodations lacked any sense of warmth or luxury.</li>
<li>Despite their smaller size, the <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">truculent </span></strong>army held their ground against the invaders.</li>