Group 13

<ol> <li>Sarah discovered an unexpected <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">affinity </span></strong>for modern art after visiting the museum.</li> <li>The doctor&#39;s <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">altruistic </span></strong>decision to provide free healthcare in underserved areas was admirable.</li> <li>In the <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">baroque</span></strong>-style room, ornate decorations and intricate designs were everywhere.</li> <li>Navigating the <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">byzantine </span></strong>legal system proved to be a challenging task for the inexperienced lawyer.</li> <li>The excessive use of antibiotics can <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">compromise </span></strong>the immune system, making it more difficult to fight off infections.</li> <li>The manager&#39;s <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">conciliatory </span></strong>approach helped resolve conflicts among team members.</li> <li>Despite his nervousness, he managed to maintain a calm <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">countenance </span></strong>during the presentation. <ol> <li>The school&#39;s administration refused to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">countenance </span></strong>any form of bullying.</li> </ol> </li> <li>The spy carried out a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">covert </span></strong>operation to gather crucial intelligence.</li> <li>Her extensive experience made her a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">credible </span></strong>candidate for the job.</li> <li>The aroma of freshly baked cookies <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">diffused </span></strong>through the house, making everyone feel warm and welcome.</li> <li>The lawyer examined the <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">documentary</span></strong> evidence, which included contracts, emails, and receipts.</li> <li>After conducting an <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">exhaustive </span></strong>study, they finally identified the root cause of the problem.</li> <li>The roller coaster ride was <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">exhilarating </span></strong>and left everyone feeling thrilled.</li> <li>The teacher removed all <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">extraneous </span></strong>information to focus on the core concepts.</li> <li>The team&#39;s <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">fervor </span></strong>helped them achieve their goals despite numerous obstacles.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">futile </span></strong>attempts to persuade the stubborn toddler only led to frustration.</li> <li>The mirage in the desert was an <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">illusory</span></strong> oasis, a trick of the eye and the mind.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">invidious</span></strong> comparison between the two colleagues created an uncomfortable work environment.</li> <li>Feeling <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">lethargic </span></strong>after a heavy meal, she decided to take a short nap.</li> <li>The poet used <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">metaphorical </span></strong>language to express abstract ideas and emotions.</li> <li>The young artist would <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">mimic </span></strong>the techniques of the old masters to develop his skills.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">numinous </span></strong>experience during the meditation retreat left her with a profound sense of awe.</li> <li>The author&#39;s <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">obscure </span></strong>early works were discovered only after her widespread success.</li> <li>The company made an <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">overt </span></strong>commitment to sustainability, implementing eco-friendly policies.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">pellucid </span></strong>water allowed a clear view of the vibrant marine life below.</li> <li>By sharing the story, he hoped to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">perpetuate </span></strong>the memory of his ancestors.</li> <li>The scientist presented a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">rational </span></strong>argument to support her theory.</li> <li>The critic&#39;s <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">scathing </span></strong>review caused a stir among the play&#39;s supporters.</li> <li>The detective noticed a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">subtle </span></strong>clue that ultimately led to solving the case.</li> <li>Their <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">superficial</span></strong> understanding of the subject prevented them from engaging in a deeper discussion.</li> </ol>