Group 17

<ol> <li>The talented actress received widespread <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">acclaim </span></strong>for her stunning performance.</li> <li>The detective&#39;s main goal was to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">ascertain </span></strong>the truth behind the mysterious events.</li> <li>Her <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">assertive </span></strong>attitude helped her successfully negotiate the business deal.</li> <li>The claims made by the company turned out to be <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">bogus</span></strong>, misleading consumers.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">cataclysmic </span></strong>event left the entire region devastated and in need of aid.</li> <li>The law aimed to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">circumscribe</span></strong> the activities of unscrupulous businesses.</li> <li>The two scientists had <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">complementary </span></strong>skills, which made them an effective team.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">contentious</span></strong> issue sparked heated debates among the politicians.</li> <li>His <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">disingenuous </span></strong>apology did little to repair the damage caused by his actions.</li> <li>The informant agreed to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">divulge </span></strong>critical information to the authorities.</li> <li>His <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">dogmatic </span></strong>beliefs left little room for discussion or alternative viewpoints.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">fallacious</span></strong> argument was easily debunked by the opposing side.</li> <li>It was a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">foolhardy</span></strong> decision to attempt the dangerous stunt without proper training.</li> <li>Roadblocks and heavy traffic would <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">hinder </span></strong>our progress to the destination.</li> <li>Excessive alcohol consumption can <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">impair </span></strong>an individual&#39;s ability to make sound decisions.</li> <li>The opposing counsel attempted to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">impugn </span></strong>the credibility of the witness.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">incessant </span></strong>noise from the construction site made it difficult to concentrate.</li> <li>As a nature lover, she was <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">inclined </span></strong>to spend her weekends hiking and exploring.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">inveterate </span></strong>gambler found it difficult to resist the allure of the casino.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">miserly </span></strong>man was reluctant to part with even a single penny.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">patent </span></strong>absurdity of the claim made everyone in the room burst into laughter.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">petulant </span></strong>child threw a tantrum when he didn&#39;t get his way.</li> <li>The speaker delivered a <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">pithy </span></strong>statement that perfectly captured the audience&#39;s attention.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">pliant </span></strong>material was easily shaped into various forms for the sculpture.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">sanctimonious </span></strong>politician preached about morals but did not practice them.</li> <li>The bridge&#39;s structural integrity remained <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">sound</span></strong>, despite years of use.</li> <li>The scandal threatened to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">tarnish </span></strong>the reputation of the once-beloved celebrity.</li> <li>The <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">tepid</span></strong> response to the new product indicated a lack of enthusiasm among consumers.</li> <li>The teacher felt the need to <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">upbraid </span></strong>the student for his disrespectful behavior.</li> <li>The constant interruptions during the meeting were a source of <strong><span style="color:#27ae60">vexation </span></strong>for everyone involved.</li> </ol>