Inscribed Polygon Problems II

<p><a href="" target="_blank">Inscribed Polygon Problems II Exercise</a></p><p>There&#39;s another thing to consider in this <strong><span style="color:#8e44ad;">Max Area of Inscribed Polygon II</span></strong> mountain entry.</p> <p>What if a square is inscribed in another square? How do we maximize its area? See if you can figure out with this diagram below.</p> <center><svg height="221.10000610351562" style=" width:661.6000366210938px; height:221.10000610351562px; background: #FFF; fill: none; " width="661.6000366210938" x="0" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns=""><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M29,20 L179.2,20 L179.2,170.2 L29,170.2 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M104.1,20.63 L178.57,95.1 L104.1,169.57 L29.63,95.1 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(74, 144, 226); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M259,18 L409.2,18 L409.2,168.2 L259,168.2 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M357.34,18.89 L408.31,116.34 L310.86,167.31 L259.89,69.86 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(74, 144, 226); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M461,19 L611.2,19 L611.2,169.2 L461,169.2 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M595.58,19.94 L610.26,153.58 L476.62,168.26 L461.94,34.62 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(74, 144, 226); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="219.5" style="width:660px;height:219.5px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,286.8000183105469,205.4000015258789)"><path d="M368 365C371 403 376 435 384 476C373 481 369 482 364 482C333 482 302 458 266 407C227 351 188 291 172 256L204 408C208 425 210 438 210 450C210 470 202 482 187 482C166 482 128 461 54 408L26 388L33 368L65 389C93 407 104 412 113 412C123 412 130 403 130 390C130 332 87 126 47 -2L57 -9C72 -4 88 -1 111 4L124 6L150 126C168 209 191 262 235 319C269 363 296 384 318 384C333 384 343 379 354 365ZM405 152C405 46 450 -11 533 -11C588 -11 648 15 693 57C755 116 799 230 799 331C799 425 749 482 666 482C562 482 405 382 405 152ZM629 444C690 444 723 399 723 315C723 219 692 113 648 60C630 39 604 27 573 27C515 27 481 72 481 151C481 264 520 387 569 427C582 438 605 444 629 444ZM956 390L900 107C899 99 887 61 887 31C887 6 898 -9 917 -9C952 -9 987 11 1065 74L1096 99L1086 117L1041 86C1012 66 992 56 981 56C972 56 967 64 967 76C967 102 981 183 1010 328L1023 390L1130 390L1141 440C1103 436 1069 434 1031 434C1047 528 1058 577 1076 631L1065 646C1045 634 1018 622 987 610L962 440C918 419 892 408 874 403L872 390ZM1434 204L1405 77C1401 60 1399 42 1399 26C1399 4 1408 -9 1423 -9C1446 -9 1487 17 1569 85L1562 106C1538 86 1509 59 1487 59C1478 59 1472 68 1472 82C1472 87 1472 90 1473 93L1565 472L1555 481L1522 463C1481 478 1464 482 1437 482C1409 482 1389 477 1362 464C1300 433 1267 403 1242 354C1198 265 1167 145 1167 67C1167 23 1182 -11 1201 -11C1238 -11 1318 41 1434 204ZM1482 414C1460 305 1441 253 1407 201C1350 117 1289 59 1257 59C1245 59 1239 72 1239 99C1239 163 1267 280 1302 360C1326 415 1349 433 1397 433C1420 433 1438 429 1482 414ZM1731 390L1675 107C1674 99 1662 61 1662 31C1662 6 1673 -9 1692 -9C1727 -9 1762 11 1840 74L1871 99L1861 117L1816 86C1787 66 1767 56 1756 56C1747 56 1742 64 1742 76C1742 102 1756 183 1785 328L1798 390L1905 390L1916 440C1878 436 1844 434 1806 434C1822 528 1833 577 1851 631L1840 646C1820 634 1793 622 1762 610L1737 440C1693 419 1667 408 1649 403L1647 390ZM2266 111L2242 94C2189 56 2141 36 2105 36C2058 36 2029 73 2029 133C2029 158 2032 185 2037 214C2054 218 2163 248 2188 259C2273 296 2312 342 2312 404C2312 451 2278 482 2228 482C2160 496 2050 423 2013 349C1983 299 1953 180 1953 113C1953 35 1997 -11 2069 -11C2126 -11 2182 17 2274 92ZM2051 274C2068 343 2088 386 2117 412C2135 428 2166 440 2190 440C2219 440 2238 420 2238 388C2238 344 2203 297 2151 272C2123 258 2087 247 2042 237ZM2846 204L2817 77C2813 60 2811 42 2811 26C2811 4 2820 -9 2835 -9C2858 -9 2899 17 2981 85L2974 106C2950 86 2921 59 2899 59C2890 59 2884 68 2884 82C2884 87 2884 90 2885 93L2977 472L2967 481L2934 463C2893 478 2876 482 2849 482C2821 482 2801 477 2774 464C2712 433 2679 403 2654 354C2610 265 2579 145 2579 67C2579 23 2594 -11 2613 -11C2650 -11 2730 41 2846 204ZM2894 414C2872 305 2853 253 2819 201C2762 117 2701 59 2669 59C2657 59 2651 72 2651 99C2651 163 2679 280 2714 360C2738 415 2761 433 2809 433C2832 433 2850 429 2894 414ZM3518 722L3506 733C3454 707 3418 698 3346 691L3342 670L3390 670C3414 670 3424 663 3424 648C3424 645 3424 640 3421 622C3410 567 3337 182 3322 132C3309 82 3303 52 3303 31C3303 6 3314 -9 3333 -9C3359 -9 3395 12 3493 85L3483 103L3457 86C3428 67 3406 56 3396 56C3389 56 3383 66 3383 76C3383 82 3384 89 3387 104ZM3578 388L3585 368L3617 389C3654 412 3657 414 3664 414C3674 414 3682 404 3682 391C3682 384 3678 361 3674 347L3608 107C3600 76 3595 49 3595 30C3595 6 3606 -9 3625 -9C3651 -9 3687 12 3785 85L3775 103L3749 86C3720 67 3697 56 3688 56C3681 56 3675 66 3675 76C3675 86 3677 95 3682 116L3759 420C3763 437 3765 448 3765 456C3765 473 3756 482 3740 482C3718 482 3681 461 3606 408ZM3772 712C3743 712 3714 679 3714 645C3714 620 3729 604 3753 604C3784 604 3808 633 3808 671C3808 695 3793 712 3772 712ZM3946 390L3890 107C3889 99 3877 61 3877 31C3877 6 3888 -9 3907 -9C3942 -9 3977 11 4055 74L4086 99L4076 117L4031 86C4002 66 3982 56 3971 56C3962 56 3957 64 3957 76C3957 102 3971 183 4000 328L4013 390L4120 390L4131 440C4093 436 4059 434 4021 434C4037 528 4048 577 4066 631L4055 646C4035 634 4008 622 3977 610L3952 440C3908 419 3882 408 3864 403L3862 390ZM4278 390L4222 107C4221 99 4209 61 4209 31C4209 6 4220 -9 4239 -9C4274 -9 4309 11 4387 74L4418 99L4408 117L4363 86C4334 66 4314 56 4303 56C4294 56 4289 64 4289 76C4289 102 4303 183 4332 328L4345 390L4452 390L4463 440C4425 436 4391 434 4353 434C4369 528 4380 577 4398 631L4387 646C4367 634 4340 622 4309 610L4284 440C4240 419 4214 408 4196 403L4194 390ZM4736 722L4724 733C4672 707 4636 698 4564 691L4560 670L4608 670C4632 670 4642 663 4642 648C4642 645 4642 640 4639 622C4628 567 4555 182 4540 132C4527 82 4521 52 4521 31C4521 6 4532 -9 4551 -9C4577 -9 4613 12 4711 85L4701 103L4675 86C4646 67 4624 56 4614 56C4607 56 4601 66 4601 76C4601 82 4602 89 4605 104ZM5090 111L5066 94C5013 56 4965 36 4929 36C4882 36 4853 73 4853 133C4853 158 4856 185 4861 214C4878 218 4987 248 5012 259C5097 296 5136 342 5136 404C5136 451 5102 482 5052 482C4984 496 4874 423 4837 349C4807 299 4777 180 4777 113C4777 35 4821 -11 4893 -11C4950 -11 5006 17 5098 92ZM4875 274C4892 343 4912 386 4941 412C4959 428 4990 440 5014 440C5043 440 5062 420 5062 388C5062 344 5027 297 4975 272C4947 258 4911 247 4866 237Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,471.8000183105469,204.4000015258789)"><path d="M368 365C371 403 376 435 384 476C373 481 369 482 364 482C333 482 302 458 266 407C227 351 188 291 172 256L204 408C208 425 210 438 210 450C210 470 202 482 187 482C166 482 128 461 54 408L26 388L33 368L65 389C93 407 104 412 113 412C123 412 130 403 130 390C130 332 87 126 47 -2L57 -9C72 -4 88 -1 111 4L124 6L150 126C168 209 191 262 235 319C269 363 296 384 318 384C333 384 343 379 354 365ZM405 152C405 46 450 -11 533 -11C588 -11 648 15 693 57C755 116 799 230 799 331C799 425 749 482 666 482C562 482 405 382 405 152ZM629 444C690 444 723 399 723 315C723 219 692 113 648 60C630 39 604 27 573 27C515 27 481 72 481 151C481 264 520 387 569 427C582 438 605 444 629 444ZM956 390L900 107C899 99 887 61 887 31C887 6 898 -9 917 -9C952 -9 987 11 1065 74L1096 99L1086 117L1041 86C1012 66 992 56 981 56C972 56 967 64 967 76C967 102 981 183 1010 328L1023 390L1130 390L1141 440C1103 436 1069 434 1031 434C1047 528 1058 577 1076 631L1065 646C1045 634 1018 622 987 610L962 440C918 419 892 408 874 403L872 390ZM1434 204L1405 77C1401 60 1399 42 1399 26C1399 4 1408 -9 1423 -9C1446 -9 1487 17 1569 85L1562 106C1538 86 1509 59 1487 59C1478 59 1472 68 1472 82C1472 87 1472 90 1473 93L1565 472L1555 481L1522 463C1481 478 1464 482 1437 482C1409 482 1389 477 1362 464C1300 433 1267 403 1242 354C1198 265 1167 145 1167 67C1167 23 1182 -11 1201 -11C1238 -11 1318 41 1434 204ZM1482 414C1460 305 1441 253 1407 201C1350 117 1289 59 1257 59C1245 59 1239 72 1239 99C1239 163 1267 280 1302 360C1326 415 1349 433 1397 433C1420 433 1438 429 1482 414ZM1731 390L1675 107C1674 99 1662 61 1662 31C1662 6 1673 -9 1692 -9C1727 -9 1762 11 1840 74L1871 99L1861 117L1816 86C1787 66 1767 56 1756 56C1747 56 1742 64 1742 76C1742 102 1756 183 1785 328L1798 390L1905 390L1916 440C1878 436 1844 434 1806 434C1822 528 1833 577 1851 631L1840 646C1820 634 1793 622 1762 610L1737 440C1693 419 1667 408 1649 403L1647 390ZM2266 111L2242 94C2189 56 2141 36 2105 36C2058 36 2029 73 2029 133C2029 158 2032 185 2037 214C2054 218 2163 248 2188 259C2273 296 2312 342 2312 404C2312 451 2278 482 2228 482C2160 496 2050 423 2013 349C1983 299 1953 180 1953 113C1953 35 1997 -11 2069 -11C2126 -11 2182 17 2274 92ZM2051 274C2068 343 2088 386 2117 412C2135 428 2166 440 2190 440C2219 440 2238 420 2238 388C2238 344 2203 297 2151 272C2123 258 2087 247 2042 237ZM2846 204L2817 77C2813 60 2811 42 2811 26C2811 4 2820 -9 2835 -9C2858 -9 2899 17 2981 85L2974 106C2950 86 2921 59 2899 59C2890 59 2884 68 2884 82C2884 87 2884 90 2885 93L2977 472L2967 481L2934 463C2893 478 2876 482 2849 482C2821 482 2801 477 2774 464C2712 433 2679 403 2654 354C2610 265 2579 145 2579 67C2579 23 2594 -11 2613 -11C2650 -11 2730 41 2846 204ZM2894 414C2872 305 2853 253 2819 201C2762 117 2701 59 2669 59C2657 59 2651 72 2651 99C2651 163 2679 280 2714 360C2738 415 2761 433 2809 433C2832 433 2850 429 2894 414ZM3518 722L3506 733C3454 707 3418 698 3346 691L3342 670L3390 670C3414 670 3424 663 3424 648C3424 645 3424 640 3421 622C3410 567 3337 182 3322 132C3309 82 3303 52 3303 31C3303 6 3314 -9 3333 -9C3359 -9 3395 12 3493 85L3483 103L3457 86C3428 67 3406 56 3396 56C3389 56 3383 66 3383 76C3383 82 3384 89 3387 104ZM3578 388L3585 368L3617 389C3654 412 3657 414 3664 414C3674 414 3682 404 3682 391C3682 384 3678 361 3674 347L3608 107C3600 76 3595 49 3595 30C3595 6 3606 -9 3625 -9C3651 -9 3687 12 3785 85L3775 103L3749 86C3720 67 3697 56 3688 56C3681 56 3675 66 3675 76C3675 86 3677 95 3682 116L3759 420C3763 437 3765 448 3765 456C3765 473 3756 482 3740 482C3718 482 3681 461 3606 408ZM3772 712C3743 712 3714 679 3714 645C3714 620 3729 604 3753 604C3784 604 3808 633 3808 671C3808 695 3793 712 3772 712ZM3946 390L3890 107C3889 99 3877 61 3877 31C3877 6 3888 -9 3907 -9C3942 -9 3977 11 4055 74L4086 99L4076 117L4031 86C4002 66 3982 56 3971 56C3962 56 3957 64 3957 76C3957 102 3971 183 4000 328L4013 390L4120 390L4131 440C4093 436 4059 434 4021 434C4037 528 4048 577 4066 631L4055 646C4035 634 4008 622 3977 610L3952 440C3908 419 3882 408 3864 403L3862 390ZM4278 390L4222 107C4221 99 4209 61 4209 31C4209 6 4220 -9 4239 -9C4274 -9 4309 11 4387 74L4418 99L4408 117L4363 86C4334 66 4314 56 4303 56C4294 56 4289 64 4289 76C4289 102 4303 183 4332 328L4345 390L4452 390L4463 440C4425 436 4391 434 4353 434C4369 528 4380 577 4398 631L4387 646C4367 634 4340 622 4309 610L4284 440C4240 419 4214 408 4196 403L4194 390ZM4736 722L4724 733C4672 707 4636 698 4564 691L4560 670L4608 670C4632 670 4642 663 4642 648C4642 645 4642 640 4639 622C4628 567 4555 182 4540 132C4527 82 4521 52 4521 31C4521 6 4532 -9 4551 -9C4577 -9 4613 12 4711 85L4701 103L4675 86C4646 67 4624 56 4614 56C4607 56 4601 66 4601 76C4601 82 4602 89 4605 104ZM5090 111L5066 94C5013 56 4965 36 4929 36C4882 36 4853 73 4853 133C4853 158 4856 185 4861 214C4878 218 4987 248 5012 259C5097 296 5136 342 5136 404C5136 451 5102 482 5052 482C4984 496 4874 423 4837 349C4807 299 4777 180 4777 113C4777 35 4821 -11 4893 -11C4950 -11 5006 17 5098 92ZM4875 274C4892 343 4912 386 4941 412C4959 428 4990 440 5014 440C5043 440 5062 420 5062 388C5062 344 5027 297 4975 272C4947 258 4911 247 4866 237Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,563.5875549316406,204.4000015258789)"><path d="M730 103L704 86C675 67 653 56 643 56C636 56 630 65 630 76C630 86 632 95 637 116L712 413C716 430 719 446 719 454C719 471 709 482 693 482C664 482 626 464 565 421C502 376 467 341 418 272L448 409C452 429 455 444 455 451C455 470 445 482 429 482C399 482 353 460 298 418C254 384 234 363 169 275L202 408C206 424 208 439 208 451C208 470 199 482 185 482C164 482 126 461 52 408L24 388L31 368C68 391 103 414 110 414C121 414 128 404 128 389C128 338 87 145 46 2L49 -9L117 6L139 108C163 219 190 278 245 338C287 384 332 414 360 414C367 414 371 406 371 393C371 358 349 244 308 69L292 2L297 -9L366 6L387 113C403 194 437 269 481 318C536 379 586 414 618 414C626 414 631 405 631 389C631 365 628 351 606 264C566 105 550 84 550 31C550 6 561 -9 580 -9C606 -9 642 12 740 85ZM794 152C794 46 839 -11 922 -11C977 -11 1037 15 1082 57C1144 116 1188 230 1188 331C1188 425 1138 482 1055 482C951 482 794 382 794 152ZM1018 444C1079 444 1112 399 1112 315C1112 219 1081 113 1037 60C1019 39 993 27 962 27C904 27 870 72 870 151C870 264 909 387 958 427C971 438 994 444 1018 444ZM1588 365C1591 403 1596 435 1604 476C1593 481 1589 482 1584 482C1553 482 1522 458 1486 407C1447 351 1408 291 1392 256L1424 408C1428 425 1430 438 1430 450C1430 470 1422 482 1407 482C1386 482 1348 461 1274 408L1246 388L1253 368L1285 389C1313 407 1324 412 1333 412C1343 412 1350 403 1350 390C1350 332 1307 126 1267 -2L1277 -9C1292 -4 1308 -1 1331 4L1344 6L1370 126C1388 209 1411 262 1455 319C1489 363 1516 384 1538 384C1553 384 1563 379 1574 365ZM1936 111L1912 94C1859 56 1811 36 1775 36C1728 36 1699 73 1699 133C1699 158 1702 185 1707 214C1724 218 1833 248 1858 259C1943 296 1982 342 1982 404C1982 451 1948 482 1898 482C1830 496 1720 423 1683 349C1653 299 1623 180 1623 113C1623 35 1667 -11 1739 -11C1796 -11 1852 17 1944 92ZM1721 274C1738 343 1758 386 1787 412C1805 428 1836 440 1860 440C1889 440 1908 420 1908 388C1908 344 1873 297 1821 272C1793 258 1757 247 1712 237Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center> <p>Can you see what&#39;s happening? As we rotate the square to the right, the area has to get bigger for it to stay inscribed. It&#39;s not super obvious from the first to the second panel, but, as you can see, the third panel dramatically shows the area increase.&nbsp;</p> <p>To maximize the area of an inscribed square in another square, you simply have to make the inscribed square look more and more like the original square. This means that the <strong><span style="color:#e74c3c;">SMALLEST </span></strong>possible area for a square inscribed in another square is when the inscribed square&#39;s vertices are at the midpoints of the sides of the larger square.</p> <p>If that made no sense to you, don&#39;t worry. It was a hell of a sentence.</p> <p>In a nutshell, the smallest you can inscribe a square in another square is when the inside square is exactly half the area of the larger square.</p>