Longest Diagonal of Cube

<p><a href="https://www.prepswift.com/quizzes/quiz/prepswift-longest-diagonal-of-cube" target="_blank">Longest Diagonal of Cube Exercise</a></p><p><strong><span style="color:#8e44ad;">The Longest Diagonal of a Cube</span></strong> is this guy.</p> <center><svg height="211.9214324951172" style=" width:661.8285522460938px; height:211.9214324951172px; background: #FFF; fill: none; " width="661.8285522460938" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M340.69,179 L260.35,14.74" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M213,62.09 L260.35,14.74 L388.04,14.74 L388.04,131.65 L340.69,179 L213,179 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M388.04,14.74 L340.69,62.09 L213,62.09" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M340.69,62.09 L340.69,179" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M260.35,14.74 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M213,179 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M388.04,131.65 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="210.09286499023438" style="width:660px;height:210.09286499023438px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,269.91424560546875,198.32427612304687)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.02941,0,0,-0.02941,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center> <p><strong><span style="color:#e74c3c;">If You Want to Skip the Backstory</span></strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size:22px;">longest diagonal of a cube $=\sqrt{3}x$</span></p> <p><strong><span style="color:#27ae60;">I Want the Backstory. How Do We Find This Guy?</span></strong></p> <p>Imagine we have a right triangle, outlined in red.</p> <center><svg height="212.01499938964844" style=" width:661.9199829101562px; height:212.01499938964844px; background: #FFF; fill: none; " width="661.9199829101562" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M340.69,179 L260.35,14.74" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M213,62.09 L260.35,14.74 L388.04,14.74 L388.04,131.65 L340.69,179 L213,179 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M388.04,14.74 L340.69,62.09 L213,62.09" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M340.69,62.09 L340.69,179" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M260.35,14.74 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M213,179 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M388.04,131.65 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M340.69,179 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="210.09500122070312" style="width:660px;height:210.09500122070312px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,269.9599914550781,198.36999908447265)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.02941,0,0,-0.02941,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,247.95999145507812,81.13499298095704)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.020399999999999998,0,0,-0.020399999999999998,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center> <p>We know the height of this right triangle is $x$. If we find the base, we can then do Pythagorean theorem to find the hypotenuse, which just so happens to be the longest diagonal of the cube.</p> <p><strong><span style="color:#27ae60;">But How Do We Find the Base?</span></strong></p> <p>Imagine another right triangle, this time on the bottom of the cube. Notice how the base is the hypotenuse of a $45$-$45$-$90$ triangle, which is equal to $\sqrt{2}x$.</p> <center><svg height="211.9214324951172" style=" width:661.8285522460938px; height:211.9214324951172px; background: #FFF; fill: none; " width="661.8285522460938" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M213,62.09 L260.35,14.74 L388.04,14.74 L388.04,131.65 L340.69,179 L213,179 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M388.04,14.74 L340.69,62.09 L213,62.09" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M340.69,62.09 L340.69,179" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M260.35,14.74 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M213,179 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M388.04,131.65 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M340.69,179 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M213,179 L340.69,179" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="210.09286499023438" style="width:660px;height:210.09286499023438px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,263.91424560546875,198.32429138183593)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.02941,0,0,-0.02941,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,313.21429443359375,152.30714111328126)"><path d="M16 23L16 -3C203 -3 203 0 239 0C275 0 275 -3 468 -3L468 82C353 77 307 81 122 77L304 270C401 373 431 428 431 503C431 618 353 689 226 689C154 689 105 669 56 619L39 483L68 483L81 529C97 587 133 612 200 612C286 612 341 558 341 473C341 398 299 324 186 204Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.015300000000000001,0,0,-0.015300000000000001,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><svg height="15.300000190734863" overflow="visible" width="22.950000762939453" x="297.91424560546875" y="135.00714111328125"><polygon points="0.32,9.46 4.31,7.33 8.68,16.60 14.73,0.00 22.95,0.00 22.95,0.95 15.39,0.95 8.26,20.53 2.79,9.06 0.57,9.90" style="fill:rgb(208,2,27);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1px;stroke:none;stroke-opacity:1;"></polygon></svg></g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,320.8642578125,152.30714111328126)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.015300000000000001,0,0,-0.015300000000000001,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,222.91424560546875,154.41714111328125)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.02941,0,0,-0.02941,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,227.91424560546875,176.1500030517578)"><path d="M96 -20C207 16 255 39 309 85C406 168 457 283 457 417C457 586 376 689 244 689C116 689 20 589 20 455C20 340 95 256 199 256C233 256 272 267 290 282L360 340C352 172 243 49 62 5L62 -3ZM240 656C285 656 318 637 340 597C358 565 370 516 370 471C370 379 317 317 240 317C160 317 106 388 106 492C106 593 158 656 240 656ZM762 689C607 689 528 566 528 324C528 207 549 106 584 57C619 8 675 -20 737 -20C888 -20 964 110 964 366C964 585 899 689 762 689ZM744 654C841 654 880 556 880 316C880 103 842 15 750 15C653 15 612 116 612 360C612 571 649 654 744 654ZM1197 689C1115 689 1048 622 1048 539C1048 456 1115 389 1198 389C1279 389 1348 457 1348 537C1348 621 1281 689 1197 689ZM1197 649C1258 649 1308 599 1308 537C1308 479 1258 429 1198 429C1137 429 1088 478 1088 539C1088 600 1137 649 1197 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.0136,0,0,-0.0136,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center> <p><strong><span style="color:#27ae60;">Put It All Together</span></strong></p> <p>Now that we have our base, we can solve another Pythagorean theorem problem to get the longest diagonal of the cube.</p> <center><svg height="211.9214324951172" style=" width:661.8285522460938px; height:211.9214324951172px; background: #FFF; fill: none; " width="661.8285522460938" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M213,62.09 L260.35,14.74 L388.04,14.74 L388.04,131.65 L340.69,179 L213,179 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M388.04,14.74 L340.69,62.09 L213,62.09" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><path class="real" d=" M340.69,62.09 L340.69,179" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M260.35,14.74 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M213,179 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M388.04,131.65 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="1.125 3.35" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M340.69,179 L261.04,132.12" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M213,179 L340.69,179" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1; stroke-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M260.35,14.74 L340.69,179" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(208, 2, 27); stroke-opacity: 1; stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="arrow-line"><path class="connection real" d=" M305.04,88.12 L418.04,88.12" stroke-dasharray="" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1; fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path><g stroke="#000" style="stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); stroke-width: 1;" transform="matrix(-1,1.2246467991473532e-16,-1.2246467991473532e-16,-1,420.0400085449219,88.12000274658203)"><path d=" M10.93,-3.29 Q4.96,-0.45 0,0 Q4.96,0.45 10.93,3.29"></path></g></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="210.09286499023438" style="width:660px;height:210.09286499023438px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,263.91424560546875,198.32429138183593)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.02941,0,0,-0.02941,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,278.21429443359375,166.30715637207032)"><path d="M16 23L16 -3C203 -3 203 0 239 0C275 0 275 -3 468 -3L468 82C353 77 307 81 122 77L304 270C401 373 431 428 431 503C431 618 353 689 226 689C154 689 105 669 56 619L39 483L68 483L81 529C97 587 133 612 200 612C286 612 341 558 341 473C341 398 299 324 186 204Z" fill="rgb(208,2,27)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(208,2,27)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" 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<p>$$(\sqrt{2}x)^2 + x^2 = hypotenuse^2$$</p> <p>$$2x^2 + x^2 = hypotenuse^2$$</p> <p>$$3x^2 = hypotenuse^2$$</p> <p>$$\sqrt{3}x = hypotenuse$$</p>