Similar Triangles

<p><a href="" target="_blank">Similar Triangles Exercise</a></p><p><strong><span style="color:#8e44ad;">Similar Triangles</span></strong> are two triangles that share the same three angles. That&#39;s it. For example, these are similar triangles:</p> <center><svg height="148.02142333984375" style=" width:661.8285522460938px; height:148.02142333984375px; background: #FFF; fill: none; " width="661.8285522460938" x="0" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns=""><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M152.6,9.26 L331.6,134 L152.6,134 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M152.6,120.26 L166.34,120.26 L166.34,134" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M400.6,56.65 L511.6,134 L400.6,134 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M400.6,125.48 L409.12,125.48 L409.12,134" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="146.19285583496094" style="width:660px;height:146.19285583496094px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,155.91424560546875,43.91429138183594)"><path d="M131 331C152 512 241 611 421 665L379 689C283 657 242 637 191 593C88 506 32 384 32 247C32 82 112 -20 241 -20C371 -20 468 83 468 219C468 334 399 409 293 409C216 409 184 370 131 331ZM255 349C331 349 382 283 382 184C382 80 331 13 254 13C169 13 123 86 123 220C123 255 127 274 138 291C160 325 207 349 255 349ZM762 689C607 689 528 566 528 324C528 207 549 106 584 57C619 8 675 -20 737 -20C888 -20 964 110 964 366C964 585 899 689 762 689ZM744 654C841 654 880 556 880 316C880 103 842 15 750 15C653 15 612 116 612 360C612 571 649 654 744 654ZM1197 689C1115 689 1048 622 1048 539C1048 456 1115 389 1198 389C1279 389 1348 457 1348 537C1348 621 1281 689 1197 689ZM1197 649C1258 649 1308 599 1308 537C1308 479 1258 429 1198 429C1137 429 1088 478 1088 539C1088 600 1137 649 1197 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,281.91424560546875,130.91427612304688)"><path d="M462 224C462 345 355 366 308 374C388 436 418 482 418 541C418 630 344 689 233 689C165 689 120 670 72 622L43 498L74 498L92 554C103 588 166 622 218 622C283 622 336 569 336 506C336 431 277 368 206 368C198 368 187 369 174 370L159 371L147 318L154 312C192 329 211 334 238 334C321 334 369 281 369 190C369 88 308 21 215 21C169 21 128 36 98 64C74 86 61 109 42 163L15 153C36 92 44 56 50 6C103 -12 147 -20 184 -20C307 -20 462 87 462 224ZM762 689C607 689 528 566 528 324C528 207 549 106 584 57C619 8 675 -20 737 -20C888 -20 964 110 964 366C964 585 899 689 762 689ZM744 654C841 654 880 556 880 316C880 103 842 15 750 15C653 15 612 116 612 360C612 571 649 654 744 654ZM1197 689C1115 689 1048 622 1048 539C1048 456 1115 389 1198 389C1279 389 1348 457 1348 537C1348 621 1281 689 1197 689ZM1197 649C1258 649 1308 599 1308 537C1308 479 1258 429 1198 429C1137 429 1088 478 1088 539C1088 600 1137 649 1197 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,403.91424560546875,86.21427612304687)"><path d="M131 331C152 512 241 611 421 665L379 689C283 657 242 637 191 593C88 506 32 384 32 247C32 82 112 -20 241 -20C371 -20 468 83 468 219C468 334 399 409 293 409C216 409 184 370 131 331ZM255 349C331 349 382 283 382 184C382 80 331 13 254 13C169 13 123 86 123 220C123 255 127 274 138 291C160 325 207 349 255 349ZM762 689C607 689 528 566 528 324C528 207 549 106 584 57C619 8 675 -20 737 -20C888 -20 964 110 964 366C964 585 899 689 762 689ZM744 654C841 654 880 556 880 316C880 103 842 15 750 15C653 15 612 116 612 360C612 571 649 654 744 654ZM1197 689C1115 689 1048 622 1048 539C1048 456 1115 389 1198 389C1279 389 1348 457 1348 537C1348 621 1281 689 1197 689ZM1197 649C1258 649 1308 599 1308 537C1308 479 1258 429 1198 429C1137 429 1088 478 1088 539C1088 600 1137 649 1197 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.015300000000000001,0,0,-0.015300000000000001,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,465.914306640625,131.2142761230469)"><path d="M462 224C462 345 355 366 308 374C388 436 418 482 418 541C418 630 344 689 233 689C165 689 120 670 72 622L43 498L74 498L92 554C103 588 166 622 218 622C283 622 336 569 336 506C336 431 277 368 206 368C198 368 187 369 174 370L159 371L147 318L154 312C192 329 211 334 238 334C321 334 369 281 369 190C369 88 308 21 215 21C169 21 128 36 98 64C74 86 61 109 42 163L15 153C36 92 44 56 50 6C103 -12 147 -20 184 -20C307 -20 462 87 462 224ZM762 689C607 689 528 566 528 324C528 207 549 106 584 57C619 8 675 -20 737 -20C888 -20 964 110 964 366C964 585 899 689 762 689ZM744 654C841 654 880 556 880 316C880 103 842 15 750 15C653 15 612 116 612 360C612 571 649 654 744 654ZM1197 689C1115 689 1048 622 1048 539C1048 456 1115 389 1198 389C1279 389 1348 457 1348 537C1348 621 1281 689 1197 689ZM1197 649C1258 649 1308 599 1308 537C1308 479 1258 429 1198 429C1137 429 1088 478 1088 539C1088 600 1137 649 1197 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.015300000000000001,0,0,-0.015300000000000001,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center> <p>But the more interesting bit is what happens when you have two similar triangles. Their sides are proportional to each other. For example, if you have two similar triangles, and one side of the larger triangle is double the corresponding side of the smaller triangle, the other two sides of the larger triangle will also be double their corresponding sides! Wow!</p> <p><strong><span style="color:#e74c3c;">Example</span></strong></p> <p>What is the value of $x$?</p> <p style="text-align: center;">We can use the fact that sides are proportional in similar triangles to solve.</p> <center style="text-align: center;"><svg height="166.67857360839844" style=" width:661.8285522460938px; height:166.67857360839844px; background: #FFF; fill: none; " width="661.8285522460938" x="0" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" y="0"> <svg class="role-diagram-draw-area" xmlns=""><g class="shapes-region" style="stroke: black; fill: none;"><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M184.6,9.26 L299.6,134 L120.6,134 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g class="composite-shape"><path class="real" d=" M410.79,51.96 L486.6,134.19 L368.6,134.19 Z" style="stroke-width: 1; stroke: rgb(0, 0, 0); fill: none; fill-opacity: 1;"></path></g><g></g></g><g></g><g></g><g></g></svg> <svg height="164.85000610351562" style="width:660px;height:164.85000610351562px;font-family:Asana-Math, Asana;background:#FFF;" width="660" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,179.91424560546875,34.91429138183594)"><path d="M271 204L242 77C238 60 236 42 236 26C236 4 245 -9 260 -9C283 -9 324 17 406 85L399 106C375 86 346 59 324 59C315 59 309 68 309 82C309 87 309 90 310 93L402 472L392 481L359 463C318 478 301 482 274 482C246 482 226 477 199 464C137 433 104 403 79 354C35 265 4 145 4 67C4 23 19 -11 38 -11C75 -11 155 41 271 204ZM319 414C297 305 278 253 244 201C187 117 126 59 94 59C82 59 76 72 76 99C76 163 104 280 139 360C163 415 186 433 234 433C257 433 275 429 319 414ZM642 689C560 689 493 622 493 539C493 456 560 389 643 389C724 389 793 457 793 537C793 621 726 689 642 689ZM642 649C703 649 753 599 753 537C753 479 703 429 643 429C582 429 533 478 533 539C533 600 582 649 642 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,132.91424560546875,129.91427612304688)"><path d="M235 722L223 733C171 707 135 698 63 691L59 670L107 670C131 670 141 663 141 646C141 639 140 628 139 622L38 71C37 68 37 64 37 61C37 22 85 -11 140 -11C177 -11 228 8 271 39C367 107 433 244 433 376C433 414 424 453 412 468C405 477 392 482 377 482C353 482 323 474 295 460C244 433 211 403 149 324ZM322 424C348 424 361 401 361 352C361 288 340 202 310 137C277 68 237 36 183 36C137 36 112 59 112 101C112 135 127 276 208 361C241 395 293 424 322 424ZM661 689C579 689 512 622 512 539C512 456 579 389 662 389C743 389 812 457 812 537C812 621 745 689 661 689ZM661 649C722 649 772 599 772 537C772 479 722 429 662 429C601 429 552 478 552 539C552 600 601 649 661 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,268.91424560546875,129.91427612304688)"><path d="M342 330L365 330C373 395 380 432 389 458C365 473 330 482 293 482C248 483 175 463 118 400C64 352 25 241 25 136C25 40 67 -11 147 -11C201 -11 249 9 304 54L354 95L346 115L331 105C259 57 221 40 186 40C130 40 101 80 101 159C101 267 136 371 185 409C206 425 230 433 261 433C306 433 342 414 342 390ZM605 689C523 689 456 622 456 539C456 456 523 389 606 389C687 389 756 457 756 537C756 621 689 689 605 689ZM605 649C666 649 716 599 716 537C716 479 666 429 606 429C545 429 496 478 496 539C496 600 545 649 605 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,406.28570556640625,76.22857666015625)"><path d="M271 204L242 77C238 60 236 42 236 26C236 4 245 -9 260 -9C283 -9 324 17 406 85L399 106C375 86 346 59 324 59C315 59 309 68 309 82C309 87 309 90 310 93L402 472L392 481L359 463C318 478 301 482 274 482C246 482 226 477 199 464C137 433 104 403 79 354C35 265 4 145 4 67C4 23 19 -11 38 -11C75 -11 155 41 271 204ZM319 414C297 305 278 253 244 201C187 117 126 59 94 59C82 59 76 72 76 99C76 163 104 280 139 360C163 415 186 433 234 433C257 433 275 429 319 414ZM642 689C560 689 493 622 493 539C493 456 560 389 643 389C724 389 793 457 793 537C793 621 726 689 642 689ZM642 649C703 649 753 599 753 537C753 479 703 429 643 429C582 429 533 478 533 539C533 600 582 649 642 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,378.29998779296875,130.85000610351562)"><path d="M235 722L223 733C171 707 135 698 63 691L59 670L107 670C131 670 141 663 141 646C141 639 140 628 139 622L38 71C37 68 37 64 37 61C37 22 85 -11 140 -11C177 -11 228 8 271 39C367 107 433 244 433 376C433 414 424 453 412 468C405 477 392 482 377 482C353 482 323 474 295 460C244 433 211 403 149 324ZM322 424C348 424 361 401 361 352C361 288 340 202 310 137C277 68 237 36 183 36C137 36 112 59 112 101C112 135 127 276 208 361C241 395 293 424 322 424ZM661 689C579 689 512 622 512 539C512 456 579 389 662 389C743 389 812 457 812 537C812 621 745 689 661 689ZM661 649C722 649 772 599 772 537C772 479 722 429 662 429C601 429 552 478 552 539C552 600 601 649 661 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,457.63568115234375,130.85000610351562)"><path d="M342 330L365 330C373 395 380 432 389 458C365 473 330 482 293 482C248 483 175 463 118 400C64 352 25 241 25 136C25 40 67 -11 147 -11C201 -11 249 9 304 54L354 95L346 115L331 105C259 57 221 40 186 40C130 40 101 80 101 159C101 267 136 371 185 409C206 425 230 433 261 433C306 433 342 414 342 390ZM605 689C523 689 456 622 456 539C456 456 523 389 606 389C687 389 756 457 756 537C756 621 689 689 605 689ZM605 649C666 649 716 599 716 537C716 479 666 429 606 429C545 429 496 478 496 539C496 600 545 649 605 649Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,125.91424560546875,75.92857360839844)"><path d="M418 -3L418 27L366 30C311 33 301 44 301 96L301 700L60 598L67 548L217 614L217 96C217 44 206 33 152 30L96 27L96 -3C250 0 250 0 261 0C292 0 402 -3 418 -3ZM515 23L515 -3C702 -3 702 0 738 0C774 0 774 -3 967 -3L967 82C852 77 806 81 621 77L803 270C900 373 930 428 930 503C930 618 852 689 725 689C653 689 604 669 555 619L538 483L567 483L580 529C596 587 632 612 699 612C785 612 840 558 840 473C840 398 798 324 685 204Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,194.91424560546875,151.93569946289062)"><path d="M96 -20C207 16 255 39 309 85C406 168 457 283 457 417C457 586 376 689 244 689C116 689 20 589 20 455C20 340 95 256 199 256C233 256 272 267 290 282L360 340C352 172 243 49 62 5L62 -3ZM240 656C285 656 318 637 340 597C358 565 370 516 370 471C370 379 317 317 240 317C160 317 106 388 106 492C106 593 158 656 240 656Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,417.91424560546875,151.93569946289062)"><path d="M462 224C462 345 355 366 308 374C388 436 418 482 418 541C418 630 344 689 233 689C165 689 120 670 72 622L43 498L74 498L92 554C103 588 166 622 218 622C283 622 336 569 336 506C336 431 277 368 206 368C198 368 187 369 174 370L159 371L147 318L154 312C192 329 211 334 238 334C321 334 369 281 369 190C369 88 308 21 215 21C169 21 128 36 98 64C74 86 61 109 42 163L15 153C36 92 44 56 50 6C103 -12 147 -20 184 -20C307 -20 462 87 462 224Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g><g><g><g><g transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,373.91424560546875,93.92855834960938)"><path d="M9 1C24 -7 40 -11 52 -11C85 -11 124 18 155 65L231 182L242 113C255 28 278 -11 314 -11C336 -11 368 6 400 35L449 79L440 98C404 68 379 53 363 53C348 53 335 63 325 83C316 102 305 139 300 168L282 269L317 318C364 383 391 406 422 406C438 406 450 398 455 383L469 387L484 472C472 479 463 482 454 482C414 482 374 446 312 354L275 299L269 347C257 446 230 482 171 482C145 482 123 474 114 461L56 378L73 368C103 402 123 416 142 416C175 416 197 375 214 277L225 215L185 153C142 86 108 54 80 54C65 54 54 58 52 63L41 91L21 88C21 53 13 27 9 1Z" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" fill-opacity="1" stroke="rgb(0,0,0)" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="8" transform="matrix(0.017,0,0,-0.017,0,0)"></path></g></g></g></g></svg> </svg></center> <p>$$\frac{12}{9} = \frac{x}{3}$$</p> <p>$$36x = 9x$$</p> <p>$$x=4$$</p> <p><strong><span style="color:#e74c3c;">Note</span></strong>:&nbsp;It doesn&#39;t really matter how you set the proportion up, as long as you&#39;re consistent. For example, you could set it up the following ways and still get the same answer for $x$:</p> <p>$$\frac{12}{x} = \frac{9}{3}$$</p> <p>$$\frac{9}{12} = \frac{3}{x}$$</p>