Tickbox Quiz #6

<p><a href="https://www.gregmat.com/quizzes/quiz/prepswift-quant-tickbox-quiz-6-algebra-column-3" target="_blank">Click Here to Take the Quiz</a></p> <p>This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of all Algebra concepts in column 3. It&#39;s also designed to test whether you should &quot;move on&quot; to column 1 of Coordinate Geometry. I envision three scenarios:</p> <ul> <li>If you scored &nbsp;17, 18, 19, or 20,&nbsp;review any concepts you missed, but move on to Coordinate Geometry.</li> <li>If you scored 15 or 16, review any concepts you missed, and, if you have time, go through column 3 again before moving on to column 2.</li> <li>If you scored below 15, go through&nbsp;column 3&nbsp;videos and short quizzes again. Yes, all of them. Even if you&#39;re reviewing concepts you got right, it will further reinforce them.</li> </ul> <p>If you go through all column 3 videos and quizzes again, make sure you take Tickbox Quiz #6 again to confirm your progress.</p>